Appellants’ Factum (opens as a PDF in your web browser)
The Appellants’ Factum was filed in the Court of Appeal for British Columba on November 18, 2019. The Factum is the formal document that outlines the grounds on which we are asking the appeal court to overturn the decision made by Justice Affleck on December 4, 2018.
The central point of interest in the Appellants’ Factum, and the heart of the appeal, is the outline of the key evidence (i.e., a summary of the expert evidence on the science issues and on the current trend of global emissions) which starts at the bottom of page 2 and on page 3 and then is developed in more detail on pages 5-14. We provide an evidence-based account of why the continued expansion of Canada’s oil sands is inconsistent with avoiding the worsening impacts of global warming.